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Sand Tiger Shark

They are a wide-ranging species in warm-temperate and tropical coastal water of the Atlantic Ocean, Mediterranean Sea and Indo-West Pacific Ocean. It is absent from the Central Pacific and Eastern Pacific Oceans. In Japan, they live only in Ogasawara Archipelago.
Because its size and jagged dentition, this species has a bad reputation as a maneater in Australian water, but this is due to confusion with other species .Observations of this shark underwater that it is primarily inoffensive and unaggressive towards people when not provoked. However, it can be stimulated to harass and attack people, particularly when they are spearfishing. Relatively few documented attacks by this shark on people have been reported.
This species is the most biggest sharks in our aquarium, two mature females total length about 3.0m. They ware transported from Australia,and South Africa.
Here are reported that the New York held a ’’Sand tiger (C.taurus)for 32 years between 1896 and 1928(Koob,1997).Estimates of longevity of wild sand tiger sharks was thought to be 30 years for males and 35 years for females.
In our aquarium, the most biggest female shark’s body length is about 3.0m, this is the most biggest size in Japanese aquarium. Size at birth is 95 to 105cm. They grow at an initial rate of 25-30cm/year, slowing to less than 10cm/year once sexual maturity is reached. This growth rate is considered slow relative to other sharks.
Sand tiger shark is in Odontaspididae, and Smalltooth sandtiger shark of same Family Odontaspididae lives more deeper coastal bottom area in Japan.


■ Sand tiger shark swallows air at the surface
Sand tiger shark swallows air at the surface and holds it in its stomach to maintain approximately neutral buoyancy. It is capable of hovering in the water, like a bonyfish with a swimbladder.
■ The diet of Sand tiger shark
They eat about one fish or squid up to 40cm in size, by hand feeding from the diver once a day. They are light eater despite their body size.
■ Feeding by hand
Diet are fed by hand. The diver goes into the water and feed diet for individual shark. Quantity of individual shark’s diet is recorded daily.


■ Mating scars(Bite marks)
During the breeding season, the male places his snout just below the female’s cloaca, and bites around the head, pectoral and pelvic fins to copulate. At mating season, bite marks or lost teeth of the male may be seen on the body of the female. Matimg behavior is observed around October in our Aquarium.


They get about one fish or squid up to 40cm in size,from the diver once a day. They are light eater despite their body size. They fast during the two-month breeding season, so they eat very little on annual average. Sand tiger shark are known to require a food ration as low as 1% BW week-1.


They swim slowly compared to Scalloped hammerhead and Sandbar shark that they swim among. If you observe closely, you can see the differences in their swimming routes and speeds.
■ The diet of Sand tiger shark
They eat about one fish or squid up to 40cm in size, by hand feeding from the diver once a day. They are light eater despite their body size.
■ Feeding by hand
The fish in the tank are fed by hand. The diver goes into the water and feeds the fish.

(ほか)動物園(どうぶつえん)のSand Tiger Shark
